

If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes you may already be familiar with the long-term effects and the “potential” problems associated with irregular insulin (uncontrolled or elevated blood sugar levels in your body.) These irregularities can potentially damage your feet, kidneys, blood vessels e.g. arteries, and eyes.

Kinetic Podiatry Clinic plays an enormous role in helping our diabetic patients to avoid foot-related complications. In particular, we can significantly help to reduce the potential (and very real risk) of amputation to one or both of your lower limbs.

We offer a full “MOT” of your foot health. This includes the vascualr supply to the feet, with checking pulses and blood flow with our hand held doppler. To listen to the sound and rate of the patients heart beat. Also, testing your protective sensation and neuroloigcal status with out 10g monofilament, plus other checks.

Due to gravity, i.e. blood, most diabetic problems begin with the feet and early detection is essential.

To find out more, please book your FREE advisory 15 minute advisory consultation.